About Toronto STLE
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If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Gina Cairo or call 847-825-5536
Visit www.stle.org to register
The STLE currently has three lubrication certification programs:
Certified Lubrication Specialist (CLS)
Established in 1993, this program was the first certificate program available to allow lubrication experts and specialists to demonstrate their skills and knowledge about lubricants and lubrication, selection, application and maintenance.
In order to qualify as a CLS, an individual must obtain a grade of 70% on an examination which covers topics including, but not limited to; lubrication fundamentals, specifications, analysis and testing, fluid conditioning and filtration, storage, safety and handling, solvents and cleaners, lubrication problem solving and machine lubricant application, such as bearings, gears, hydraulics and engines, as well as seals and sealing concepts.
Oil Monitoring Analyst
Established in 1999, this certification program is intended to recognize the skill and knowledge level of those individuals who, through training and experience, can effectively apply and use oil analysis as a predictive maintenance tool for lubrication problem investigation and proactive machine reliability improvements.
There are two types of exams:
- The OMA-I tests lubrication fundamentals, sampling techniques, the application of various tests for machine type, interpretation of test result data and corrective action. OMA-I is intended for the shop floor lubricant user.
- The OMA-II examination focuses on knowledge of various testing methods, the laboratory application of analysis methods, knowledge of ASTM test standards for lubricant condition, statistical methodology and recommended corrective actions. OMA-II is intended for the oil analyst in the laboratory.
In both cases, certification is obtained after 70% is scored on the appropriate examination and after an individual has completed at least 16 hours of formal training and one year of practical service.
Certified Metalworking Fluid Specialist (CMFS)
This newly established certification program began in 2005 and is applicable to those people working in manufacturing processes where metalworking fluids are used, maintained and monitored for their condition.
The knowledge topics covered by this certification include, but are not limited to: metalworking operations, fluid types and chemical makeup, specifications and application, plant conditions and operations which affect fluid use and condition, fluid condition testing and management, health and safety, water treatment and environmental issues. More details about this STLE Certification may be obtained at www.stle.org