Reducing Tribological Losses and Failures – Part 5 Workshop and Panel Discussion.

STLE TORONTO SECTION Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Free Registration For registration please contact Mr. Ed Milanczak at or call him at 416 702 3107.

Lubricant End Users, Equipment OEM’S, Oil Analysis Personnel, Consultants, Lubricant Suppliers, and Other Lubrication Related Suppliers

Today, manufacturing and service sector companies must become more reliability focused to remain competitive in a global economy. Proper lubrication and reducing tribological failures are the cornerstones of any reliability focused programs.


Industry does not capture full value from the assets due to tribological losses that lead to damaged equipment, energy loss, and premature disposal of the assets and lubricants used in their operation.  Billions of dollars are wasted every year, but industry can often do better by implementing simple solutions.  All it takes is a little planning, proper maintenance procedures, and most importantly, letting everyone know that doing it the way it was always done before is not the way to progress.


STLE is a not-for-profit organization with a mission “To advance the science of tribology and the practice of lubrication engineering in order to foster innovation, improve the performance of equipment and products, conserve resources, and protect the environment.” 


The STLE Toronto Section has a goal to help companies address these problems with a series of workshops on cost savings. This can be accomplished with the better application of existing technologies, by improved condition monitoring and by improved awareness. Do not miss out so come to this great event and learn so that you can return to your respective companies better equipped to make a difference.


Parts 1-4 are available at


9:00 Welcome and Procedures


9:15 Speaker 1:  Lorne F. Brock, CLS




Title: Lubrication Surveys


Abstract: Lubrication Survey can mean various things: Lube Application Cross-Reference Table, Lube Audit, Equipment Lubrication Survey and Lubrication Maintenance Program. 

The correct Lubrication Survey with accurate data captures all lubricated assets and when properly implemented all equipment will receive the correct lubricant in the proper frequency and amount of lubrication giving fewer lube-related failures. The survey data can be used in a computer maintenance system to provide work routine, sample schedules and data capture for improved equipment reliability. The different approaches will be explained to ensure maintenance time and resources are effectively used to maximize equipment life and reduce maintenance costs. The presentation will explain the differences in approach and show the benefits of investing time and effort upfront and eliminate the risk and expense of human error.  Participants will be able to compare their business needs and know the expected commitments of time, personnel and budget.


Bio: Lorne in retirement is President and technical advisor for ENROL Inc., a consulting company that provides lubrication solutions, sales support and training for clients around the world (North and South America, China, India, and Europe). Before Enrol Inc, Lorne Brock spent 34 years in lubrication R&D, marketing and lubricant application, beginning in 1978 as an R&D chemist with Imperial Oil, and Paramins (Infineum), and a member of the ExxonMobil organization until his retirement when he was Products Technical Advisor for application and development of Industrial Lubricant Products North America (Canada USA), and synthetic EP fluids and greases globally in Mining, Pulp and Paper, Power Generation, and Cement, sectors.


Lorne has been active with STLE for over 30 years, is a Past STLE Toronto Section Chair, where he is a long-term education committee co-chair, member and instructor. He has taught tribology and lubrication practices at the University of Toronto, University of Wisconsin Madison, University of Edinburgh, Engineering and been active in CIM, NLGI, and SAE.


His studies include, University of Western Ontario, Chemistry; York University Schulich School of Business; University of Wisconsin Madison, Engineering; STLE Certified Lubrication Specialist.


On a non-lubricant related note, and to show he isn’t unproductive when not globetrotting (before events of 2020). Lorne, does motivational speaking and is a pastor and licensed wedding officiant in the Province of Ontario. Husband, Father and Grandfather with interests in house renovation and construction, woodworking, and boating.


9:55 Pause


10:00 Speaker 2 James (Jim) Hannon, P.E., C.L.S.

Industrial Lubricants Technical Advisor – Team Lead

ExxonMobil Fuels and Lubricants


Office Phone:  609-259-6580

Cell Phone: 609-577-4643


Title: Improving Turbine Efficiency Through Lubrication


Abstract: Lubrication is the lifeblood of industrial machines, but it can do far more than just keep machine components clean. In fact, lubrication can have a meaningful impact on the energy efficiency of a gas turbine – in GE Frame 7FA & 7HA turbines up to 15% bearing horsepower loss reduction. The resulting lower heat rates can help deliver significant cost and productivity benefits to any power plant operator. When incorporated into a broader energy efficiency strategy, an advanced lubrication approach can help operators reduce their cost to produce power while maintaining strong reliability. 


GE and ExxonMobil have been working together for several years to identify new lubrication strategies that can help further improve the efficiency of today’s most advanced turbines. This presentation will explain the technical science behind how lubrication influences energy efficiency; pull from field and laboratory data to highlight the energy efficiency benefit of advanced lubrication strategies; and outline how these strategies can translate to an improved bottom line.


Bio: Jim Hannon is America’s lead Industrial Lubricants Technical Advisor at ExxonMobil with a core focus on turbine and hydraulic oils.  Jim has supported power generation for more than 35 years and has been ExxonMobil’s turbine and hydraulic oil technical lead for the past 13 years.


10:45 Pause


10:50 Speaker 3 Dr. Shubhamita Basu, STLE

North America Product Manager, Industrial Oils

The Lubrizol Corporation, Wickliffe, OH

Ph: 1-440-347-2119

Cell: 1-440-289-2169


Title: Fluid Technology for Industrial Gear Oils


Abstract: Reducing energy consumption is a key goal for the owners and operators of industrial gearboxes and prevalent in mining, steel/sugar mills and other industries. These applications often face heavy loading, high temperatures, and long periods of continuous operation for increased throughput which can reduce the equipment life significantly and can cause unwanted downtime.


A fluid technology that reduces temperature while offering excellent fluid film thickness and low traction coefficient can help protect gear boxes while increasing the fluid life. This presentation will introduce a unique performance polymer, its performance benefits, formulation and effectiveness in reducing temperature, for industrial gear lubricants.


Bio: Dr. Shubhamita (Shubha) Basu has been with The Lubrizol Corporation for almost 14 years where she has held different technical and commercial roles. Shubha has worked extensively in developing friction modifiers and other small molecules for engine oils and limited slip gear oil applications. She has formulated hydraulic fluids and industrial gear oils, led and developed the energy efficiency platform and environmentally acceptable lubricants. Currently she is the North America Product Manager where she manages the hydraulic fluid, industrial gear oil and turbine oil product portfolio. Shubha has a PhD in Chemistry from Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH and an MBA from Cleveland State University. Additionally, she has BS and MS degrees in Chemistry from the University of Calcutta, India.

Shubha has been part of many industry bodies. She served as the vice Chair and Chair of industry executive council of Center for Compact and Efficient Fluid Power (CCEFP) and was a part of the NFPA roadmap committee for several years. Shubha served as a past Chair of Northeast Ohio section of American Chemical Society. She has published several scholarly papers including journal articles and patents and has presented in national and international conferences. She is a member of STLE.



Free Registration

For registration please contact Mr. Ed Milanczak at or call him at 416 702 3107.

Thanks and see you soon.

Plant Tour

What: Howard Marten Fluid Technologies Inc.
When: 11am -2:00 pm, Tuesday, March 8th
Where: 902 Dillingham Road, Pickering

Note: This is a manufacturing facility, safety shoes and glasses are mandatory and visitors should bring these along. A very limited number of safety glasses and shoes are available on site. Please note that the manufacturing facility is not fully accessible to persons with disabilities. Please inform Phil of any disabilities when registering.


11:00 Arrive and sign in

Introduction: A presentation to the entire group followed by a tour of the two facilities, concluding with a wrap up Q & A and catered light lunch.

They will have several speakers who can speak on a variety of lubrication topics and will also discuss their facilities, capabilities, and history. This will include current projects to the extent that they are allowed.

Howard Marten Fluid Technologies – Distribution Division: Overview of the lubrication and related product lines they represent and the value add engineering, sales and service they provide nationally followed by a tour of the 902 Dillingham head office facility.

Howard Marten Company Ltd – Manufacturing Division: You will tour the 875 Dillingham manufacturing facility to see a variety of lubrication and fluid systems in various stages of assembly and testing. The systems service the power generation, mining and ancillary industries

For more details on what products they handle see

Directions: Howard Marten Fluid Technologies Inc. 902 Dillingham Road, Pickering, Ontario L1W 1Z6 Take Brock Road (Pickering) Exit (South) off hwy 401 Take second road on right, this is Dillingham Road. Follow Dillingham Road and they are on the right (west) side of the road.

Parking will be available at the front and along the sides of the building.

Important: Deadline for registration is March 1st. Sorry but no registrations at the door.

Cost: STLE Toronto Section will collect $20 in cash for the lunch and expenses. Students are free but still need to register.

Space is limited so register now with;
Phil Green
Howard Marten Fluid Technologies Inc.
Office: 905-831-2901 ext. 241
Cell: 705-927-5206

Reducing Tribological Losses and Failures – Part 5

One thought on “Reducing Tribological Losses and Failures – Part 5

  • November 2, 2021 at 5:20 am

    Turbine and compressor oil

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